粉絲團/Our facebook fanpage (posts with English texts)
我們一次最多接待3~4人(從每個招募志工的管道,我們有不同的人數規定),最短三四天、最長兩週 (但若有特殊體驗或志工活動專案,則人數和時間另訂),如何抵達工廠,請看交通方式/OurSite。農務時間不一定,看天氣也看工作內容,總之我們是很好商量的,但實際狀況還是要以真正勞動時,才知道如何調配。
Farming in environmental friendly way always require intense loading of manpower. At our site, there might be different projects or work on going at any time. Someitmes we need people to work with us on farmland while sometimes we need more hands helping us with rice packages, or even sometimes help us clean the site. However, we never intend to exploit your effort. All we wish is that by offering the opportunities for people to practice in farming, more people would be getting to know more about this industry and the career as a farmer. Farming is never romantic, but you could do it with a romantic mindset. Nevertheless, we also expect ourselves to be benefited from your dedication in work, so that we could have more time and energy to plan creative cultivation projects or other farming-experiencing activities open to the public.
By offering cultural exchange opportunities, we expect our farm become where good things could happen, and someday turn into a small universe allowing all different kinds of possibilities. Thus, whoever wants to experience farming, to take a rest from the hustle and bustle life, to try different work challenges, or to know more about agriculture, you are the most welcome here. Even for those who wants to know about veg farming and CSA operation, we are all glad to share our experience with you.
We can host at most 3~4 people at the same time, from 3 or 4 days to two weeks. Actual work schedule is very flexible but subject to weather and work loads. (However, during the busiest time we'll allow longer stay.)
Food and accommodation provided. However, sometimes helpers will be asked to prepare meals if we are too busy. Helpers will need to share one dormitory room. We are now re-organizing our work site so the place is a bit messy for now. Basic appliances are provided and we'll do our best to make you feel comfortable.
However, sometimes friends or students might come to visit us or to work with us, and if they want to stay overnight everyone will have to share the room.
If you want to come, please mail to Yi-hsin at yam2aster@gmail.com Or just ring at +886-916-335-213 (0916-335-213)
How to arrive here:
The address is No.137, Ln. 297, Sec. 2, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County
Note: please arrive at our site at day time.
(A)From Taoyuan International Airport to here:
So far there's no direct transportation from the airport to Hsinchu. Please take the shuttle bus from the airport to Taiwan High Speed Railway(THSR), Taoyuan Station. The shuttle bus fare is 30 NTD, about 1 USD. Take the high speed rail from Taoyuan to Hsinchu. When you arrive at the THSR Hsinchu Station. Please ask the service counter for the address translation so that you can show the address in Mandarin to the taxi driver(our address is typed in bold as shown after this paragraph). And please take taxi from THSR Hsinchu Station to our place. The taxi fare is about 7.3 USD to 8.3 USD from THSR Hsinchu Station to our place.
Our address: 新竹縣竹東鎮中興路二段297巷137號
(B)From Taipei to Hsinchu:
(a)By train: it's easy. Just get off at "Hsinchu Station"
(b)By highway bus: Buses to Hsinchu are pretty frenquent. Go to the bus line which will stop at National Tsing Hua University.
(C)From Hsinchu to our place:
(a)When you arrive at Hsinchu Station by train, go to the Hsinchu Bus Main Station.

Take bus5608 and get of at Erchong Hsin Tsuen. (二重新村)
(b)if youtake a high way bus to NTHU, please take bus 5608 at NTHU.
Get off at Erchong Hsin Tsuen described in the second picture of (B)-(a).
After get off the bus, follow Lane 197 at the small intersection. Walk up the path and keep the farmlands at sight, after 5 minutes you'll see our site.
It's better you ring me or text me whenever you get on bus 5608 and tell me where you get on.
Hope you find the details helpful.